Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Adjudicator Past Decisions
Penetanguishene tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $3,492.33 to landlord.
Scarborough tenants face conditional eviction for $2,980.05 in non-payment of rent.
LTB grants conditional relief to 93-year-old tenant with cognitive issues facing eviction for non-payment of rent.
LTB dismisses landlord's personal use eviction application, finding landlord failed to prove genuine intent.
LTB rules Vanessa Headley is not a tenant, dismisses her applications against Landlord Castiglione.
Annan tenants face eviction and $1,658.67 in costs for substantial interference with landlord's enjoyment.
Penetanguishene tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $3,492.33 to landlord.
Scarborough tenants face conditional eviction for $2,980.05 in non-payment of rent.
LTB grants conditional relief to 93-year-old tenant with cognitive issues facing eviction for non-payment of rent.
LTB dismisses landlord's personal use eviction application, finding landlord failed to prove genuine intent.
LTB rules Vanessa Headley is not a tenant, dismisses her applications against Landlord Castiglione.
Annan tenants face eviction and $1,658.67 in costs for substantial interference with landlord's enjoyment.
Penetanguishene tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $3,492.33 to landlord.
Scarborough tenants face conditional eviction for $2,980.05 in non-payment of rent.
LTB grants conditional relief to 93-year-old tenant with cognitive issues facing eviction for non-payment of rent.
LTB dismisses landlord's personal use eviction application, finding landlord failed to prove genuine intent.
LTB rules Vanessa Headley is not a tenant, dismisses her applications against Landlord Castiglione.
Annan tenants face eviction and $1,658.67 in costs for substantial interference with landlord's enjoyment.
Penetanguishene tenant faces eviction for non-payment of rent, owes $3,492.33 to landlord.
Scarborough tenants face conditional eviction for $2,980.05 in non-payment of rent.
LTB grants conditional relief to 93-year-old tenant with cognitive issues facing eviction for non-payment of rent.
LTB dismisses landlord's personal use eviction application, finding landlord failed to prove genuine intent.
LTB rules Vanessa Headley is not a tenant, dismisses her applications against Landlord Castiglione.
Annan tenants face eviction and $1,658.67 in costs for substantial interference with landlord's enjoyment.
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Reason for Relief
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Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 66.67%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
Landlord Win Rate: 50%
Landlord Win Rate: 100%
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